Sick Of Toxic Diet Culture And Fitness Industry BS Stopping You From Getting Sustainable Results?

We Will Show You Exactly How To Build Your Dream Physique WITHOUT Restricting The Foods You Love Or Living Like A Bodybuilder

This process has already helped hundreds of women take back control of their bodies by lifting weights, building an heathy relationship with food and developing a bullet proof mindset – and now it’s your turn!

We want to give you the first step for FREE!  

Every single one of those amazing women, was once were you are right now, and they all started by taking the same small step... Filling in the coaching application.

If you're ready to overcome the YEARS of frustrating crash diets and finally build your DREAM body without giving up the foods you love, answer a few quick questions below!


❌ Does your lifetime of dieting cause you to take extreme measures that never work when trying to lose fat?

❌ Does your fear of the weights room (gym anxiety) stop you from doing the exercises that will actually change the shape of your body?

❌ Does your relationship with the scales destroy your confidence and progress (even when you felt great that day)?

❌ Does your 'all or nothing' mindset cause you to constantly give up?

❌ Does picking clothes for a night out make you feel frustrated and upset?

If you answered "YES" to any of those above, then girl you are in the RIGHT place because we got you!


  • ​Get ready for a night out and feeling so confident with your body, that you're excited to try on new clothes
  • Walk into any social situation without having to constantly worry if people are judging you for your appearance
  •  Eat out with your friends/family without feeling anxious before OR guilty after and then sabotaging yourself for the next few days
  • ​Have the knowledge and confidence needed to train like a beast in the weights room so you can become physically and mentally Strong AF
  • ​​End years of crash dieting and finally be able to maintain your dream body all year round!
  • ​Get ready for a night out and feeling so confident with your body, that you're excited to try on new clothes
  • ​Walk into any social situation without having to constantly worry if people are judging you for your appearance
  • Eat out with your friends/family without feeling anxious before OR guilty after and then sabotaging yourself for the next few days​
  • ​Have the knowledge and confidence needed to train like a beast in the weights room so you can become physically and mentally Strong AF
  • ​​​End years of crash dieting and finally be able to maintain your dream body all year round!


We believe that all women are super heroes. You're strong, passionate goal-getters that are trying to become the best versions of yourselves. 

The problem is, you're trying to fly, but the fitness industry has got it's foot on your cape.

Every restrictive diet, toxic influencer, weight loss pill and poor quality PT thats ever let you down, 
are holding you back by choking you're with your own cape. 

What we have been doing for the last 7 years, is empowering women like you with the tools you need to save yourself, by restoring your self-belief, so you can become your own hero!

We give you the education, guidance and accountability needed, to become the best version of yourself. 
And when we do this, it's like lifting the foot off, you finally sore… and the results are INCREDIBLE!


World Class 1:1 
Personal Coaching
Initial assessment, monthly goal setting, weekly check ins and daily support... All so you can build a true relationship with your personal coach that is built on trust. This is how we guarantee results.
Video Check In Service
Photos & measurements are standard, but this is not how true success is measured. Your emotional check in will cover sleep, monthly cycles, energy, motivation and much more. All delivered via video check-in so you can relax, and just stay focused on taking the next step forwards.

Online Education Platform
Every method we've used to transform the lives of 1000's of women, broken down into easy to access modules and stored into our e-learning platform. Constantly being updated, worth £10,000's and yours to access for life!
Evidence Based Approach
The industry is constantly changing. What we thought was 'healthy' 5 years ago, is laughable now. We dedicate over 8 hours a week to studying, researching and delivering new content based on the challenges you're currently facing. Staying up to date so you can be empowered with the knowledge needed to bullet proof yourself from fitness industry BS.
Group Coaching Calls
There is nothing more important than being surrounded by a community of likeminded women. Our group zoom calls connect you, and allow you to build relationships with women on 4 different continents. Twice a week take part in live mindset, training and nutrition masterclasses with the whole Strong AF Community.
Dedicated Nutrition
Support Coach
You're all going to need a different strategy to be successful and sustain it long term. Nutrition questions will make up 75% of the support you'll need. We will introduce you to Lauren on week 1 and she will personally guide you throughout your whole journey with us.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Thousands Of Women Who’ve Experienced Incredible Transformations In Our Strong AF Method Coaching Program...

Ready to take the first step towards becoming the women you truly deserve to be?

Take a few minutes to answer the questions below and if we feel our coaching could be a good fit for you our team will reach out to you within 24 hours to book in your FREE discovery call!

Here's what we will cover on your free discovery call

  • Get 100% clear on the challenges that are holding you back
  • ​Work out what coaching option is best suited for your goals
  • ​Create a step by step plan on how to achieve your dream physique with zero restrictions



We sat down with some of our SAF girls and asked them about their experience during their Strong AF journey. 

If you're looking for a quick fix solution, this is not for you!

There are thousands of apps, websites, influencers, coaches and PT's that are happy to copy and paste you a generic plan for $49 a month.

Those plans are cheap, took no time to create, and not designed for you...
That's why they didn't work, and exactly why you're here looking for something else.

But, if you're just looking for another quick fix to try, this will not be for you.
We have never been coaches who just sell 'lunches and lunges' - anyone can do that.

 We specialise in positive 'lifestyle change'  This means our women can build a healthy relationship with food, become physically Strong AF, love who they see in the mirror... and sustain it FOR LIFE. 

We're driven by passion and that makes us the best in the world at what we do.


Emily Hackett

Co Founder

Ross Cowan

Co Founder

Emily Austin

Head Coach


SAF coach

Lauren Saville

SAF coach


Strong AF Method is designed to empower high performance women with the tools they need to build their dream body and become Strong AF without crash diets in just 90 days!

Social media has made trying to get the ‘right’ answer to building a body you love IMPOSSIBLE! We’re drowning in quick fix solutions and ridiculous fad diets. Our goal is to help you cut through the noise and only provide you with the information that matters.

No matter where you are in your life right now, I know that the lessons I have learned will help you become the best version of yourself. 

Its about becoming physically and mentally Strong AF so you can be the best partner, wife, mother, sister or friend that you can possibly be. So you can have the inner strength to show up for life’s challenges all day, everyday.

WE ARE NOT a 'quick fix' coaching company, we educate you on HOW to create balance, boost energy and reconnect with the healthy version of yourself that you DESERVE to be.

© 2022 StrongAFCoaching. All Rights Reserved. Terms. Legal.